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Kerala's Plan for Free internet

It is important to understand why the internet has become the most important infrastructure in eliminating poverty. Lack of interne...

It is important to understand why the internet has become the most important infrastructure in eliminating poverty.

  • Lack of internet constraints access to the following:
    • Information, knowledge, and learning.
    • connectivity, communication, and sharing.
    • Address, mapping, and contact information.
    • Banking, bills, and shopping.
    • Collaboration, work from home, and access to the global workforce.
    • Donations and funding.
    • Entertainment.
Hence It is clear that lack of internet leads to, digital divide.
  • The digital divide is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology, and those that don't or have restricted access.

The digital divide is manifested in following

  • Lack of freedom of speech:
    • Voices on the internet are more assertive and pronounced and hence their issues get more attention (#metoo).
  • Social Capital:
    • once an individual is connected, internet connections and ICTs can enhance his/her future social and cultural capital.
    • Social capital is acquired through repeated interactions with other individuals or groups of individuals.
    • ICTs and Internet connectivity enables repeated interactions through access to social networks, chat rooms, and gaming sites.
    • Once an individual has access to connectivity obtains infrastructure by which to connect, and can understand and use the information that ICTs and connectivity provide, that ICTs and connectivity provide, that individual is capable of becoming a digital citizen.
  • Economic disparity
    • Most activities of the services sector are contingent upon digital literacy and hence there is a direct correlation between a person's access to technological advantage advancements and its overall success in bolstering the economy.
  • Education
    • The digital divide also impacts children's ability to learn and grow in low-income school districts. without internet access, students are unable to cultivate necessary tech skills in order to understand today's dynamic economy.

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