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India - China : International Relationship

Background 2nd Informal summit between PM Modi & Chinese President I Wuhan informal summit: Doklam crisis II Mamallapuram i...


  • 2nd Informal summit between PM Modi & Chinese President
  • I Wuhan informal summit: Doklam crisis
  • II Mamallapuram informal summit: China stands on J&K
  • Summits were not expected to resolve existing disputes.
  • Growing Chinese Dominance over India leading to asymmetric relation
  • Policy option before India to change this asymmetric relationship into a symmetric relationship.
3 c's of India - china relation
  1. cooperation
  2. competition
  3. conflict
  • Cooperation
    • Reform of Global architecture:- IMF, World Bank
    • Climate Change Talks: BASIC, CBDR
    • WTO trade negotiations: Trade War, G-33
    • Security situation: Af- Pak region
    • Common Membership 
      • BRICKS
      • SCO
      • AIIB
      • G-33
      • BASIC
  • Competition
    • Economic Size: India's GDP size of  $2.7 trillion vs china's $13.6 trillion
    • Indian ocean region: China's string of pearls vs India's SAGAR
    • Engagement with neighborhood - Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal.
    • Engagement in Indo-pacific region
  • Conflict
    • Border disputes: Chinese occupation of Aksai chin, claims over Arunachal pradesh, doklam crisis
    • CPEC : China's involvement in POK
    • China's refusal for India's membership to international organisations - UNSC, NSG.
    • China's support to Pakistan: Masood Azhar, FATF


  • China Prevents India Form following policies which are against China's Intrest
    • Exploration of Oil block allocated by Vietnam is south china sea to India.
    • Keeping Australia out of Malabar exercises
    • india's membership in Quad
    • India stands in Hong Kong.
  • China follows policies against India's Interest
    • involvement in CPEC
    • Membership of UNSC, NSG, etc.
    • Support for Masood Azhar.

Options before India:

  • Must focus on Sustained GDP growth & Development
    • learn from the experience of higher GDP growth rates in India between 2003-2007.
    • Enable India to catch up with China.
    • Growing Economic clout of India will make china more sensitive towards India's interests and concerns
  • Use some leverage over china
    • China's interest in India's domestic market, particularly smartphones.
    • Roll out of 5G, where China's Huawei is the leader.
  • Focus on India's neighborhood
    • Enhanced physical connectivity and economic integration with the countries in the neighborhood.
    • India's economy should because of the engine of growth for the India sub-continent.

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