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Climate change - Global concern

Climate changes significant changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind pattern and other measures of climate. occ...

Climate changes

  • significant changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind pattern and other measures of climate.
  • occurs over several decades or longer.

Global warming Impacts

  • The rise in sea level
  • melting of glaciers
  • changes in rainfall patterns
  • spread of disease
  • bleaching of coral reefs
  • loss of plankton due to the warming of seas
  • melting of ice
  • widespread vanishing of animal populations due to habitual loss
  • extreme events such as heatwaves, flooding, hurricanes, etc.

  • Earth has warmed ar an unprecedented rate over the last hundred years and particularly over the last two decades.
  • since 1992, each year has been one of the warmest years on record.
  • 2016 was hottest year record, worldwide.
  • Global warming can occur from a variety of causes both natural and human-induced.
  • humans are creating climate change by burning large amounts of fossil fuels and deforestation.


  • United nations framework convention on climate change.
  • the international environmental treaty that comes into existence under the aegis of UN 
  • UNFCCC is negotiated at Earth summit 1992
  • signed in 1992, new york city
  • UNFCCC has 197 parties
  • role: UNFCCC provides a framework for negotiating specific international treaties that aim to set binding limits on greenhouse gases.
  • The objective of UNFCCC: stabilize GHG concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous consequences.
  • Legal effect: a treaty is considered legally non-binding.
  • the treaty itself sets no binding limits on GHG emission for individual countries.

  • share of Global CO2 Emissions from fuel combustion
  • CHINA - 28%
  •  USA- 15%
  • INDIA- 6%
  • RUSSIA- 5%
  • JAPAN- 4%
  • GERMANY 2% 

  • The UNFCCC secretariat supports all institutions involved in the international climate change negotiations, particularly the conference of parties, the subsidiary bodies, and the cop bureau.
  • All subsequent multilateral negotiations on different aspects of climate change, including both adaption and mitigation, are being held based on principles and objectives set out by the UNFCCC 
  • UNFCCC also is known as - The earth summit, Rio summit, Rio conference.

Receding Glaciers- A Symptom of global climate change.

  • 150 years ago- 147 glaciers- in NP, today- 37 glaciers remain.
  • Scientists predict that they are likely to melt by the year 2030.
  • similarly, glaciers all across the Himalayas and alps are retreating and disappearing every year.
  • almost 160,000 glaciers found in the polar region and high mountain environments.
  • Therefore researchers are increasingly using satellite remote sensors to routinely survey our world's glaciers in a fraction of the time.

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