what is INDIA's biggest revenue source?
For every 1 rupee, Indian government earns corporation tax :- 21 paise non-debt capital recipts contribute :- 3 paise borrowin...
corporation tax :- 21 paise
non-debt capital recipts contribute :- 3 paise
borrowings and liabilities :- 20 paise
Non tax revenue :- 9 paise
GST and other Tax :- 19 paise
income tax :- 16 paise
excise duties :- 8 paise
coustoms :- 4 paise
According to 2019 Budget documents
For every rupee in the government coffer, 68 paisa will come
from direct and indirect taxes, while states' share of taxes and
duties is the single-largest expense head accounting for 23
percent of total spending, budget documents showed.
Corporation tax is the single largest source of income,
contributing 21 paisa to each rupee earned.